2024-03 QA Training for Beginners - Saturdays
Everything about testing software & applications!
Your Instructor
Muzappar is test automation developer in airline industry. With over five years experience testing and automating applications, Muzappar is an expert automation developer and quality assurance professional who is now prepared to share his knowledge with you. When it comes with automation, Muzappar has automated many web applications from end to end using automation tool such as Junit, Testng, Selenium RC & Web driver (with Python and Java). Expert in creating frameworks using Page Object Model, Hybrid and Data Driven Frameworks.
“If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.” – Napoleon Hill
Do you want to know more about Muzafar? please click here.
Course Curriculum
Available in
after you enroll
StartHow to sign in for internal student channel communication system?
StartHow to update your Discord profile?
StartHow to login to student portal?
StartHow to ask class related questions after the saturday class?
StartMinimum computer performance required for this course
StartHow to send homework (updated)?
StartWelcome Students !
Java Programming Basics (Tuesdays & Thursdays)
Available in
after you enroll
StartWeek1 - Eclipse Setup - My First Program (04/02/2024) (125:13)
StartWeek1 - Homework
StartWeek1-Part2 - Variables - (04/04/2024) (127:41)
StartWeek2.1 - If statement & Scanner Class, Variables - (04/09/2024) (125:44)
StartWeek2.2 - Java Methods - (04/11/2024) (129:53)
StartWeek2 - Homework
StartWeek 3.1 - For & While loop (120:59)
StartWeek3 - Homework
StartWeek3.2 - Java Programming Practice (116:50)
StartWeek 4.1 - Java Data Types, Arrays, ArrayList (116:55)
StartWeek 4.2 - Class & Objects (117:50)
StartWeek5.1 Class & Objects Continue (122:13)
StartWeek5.2 - Switch Statement & Java Component Terminologies (138:04)
StartWeek6 (part1) - Java Enum, Ternary Operator, Try... Catch block & Exception (110:48)
StartWeek6 - Part2 - Java Inheritance (120:58)
StartWeek7 - (Part1) - Build first 2D game using Arrays, Enum, for & while loops (120:43)
StartWeek7 - Part2 - Update console game to GUI using JFrame libraries. (97:27)
StartWeek8 - Part1 - Maven Build Tool, Date Utility Intro (118:54)
StartWeek8 - Part2 - Java Data Type Casting (113:42)
StartWeek9 - Part1 - Java Strings (106:39)
StartWeek10 - Part1 - Reading External File and Search words (71:35)
StartWeek10 - Part2 - Summary of Java Programming Basics class (103:46)
Selenium Automation for Beginners - Saturdays (9am - 2pm)
Available in
after you enroll
StartWeek1 - Introduction to Selenium WebDriver (248:53)
StartWeek2 - Selenium Methods, ImplisitWait, ChromOptions, Headless (235:00)
StartWeek3 - TestNG Before After Methods, Base Class, Refactor, JavaScriptExecutor (239:58)
StartWeek4 - Highlight WebElement, CheckBox, TimeStamp, (279:33)
StartWeek5 - Page Object Model - Introduction (260:11)
StartWeek6 - Window Handles & Actions Class (246:21)
StartWeek7 - Actions Class & Log4J (226:08)
StartWeek8 - TestNG DataProvider, DataDriven Tests, Appache POI, Excel Manager (208:05)
StartWeek9 - Selenium Screenshot Capture, TestNG ITestResult, Maven Build Tool (254:28)
StartWeek10 - Maven Goals, Java Properties, Framework config refactor (264:06)
StartWeek11 - Cucumber BDD framework (239:44)
StartWeek12 - Introduction to Git & Github (246:21)
StartWeek13 - Git & Github (250:46)
StartWeek14 - Jenkins & Selenium Hub/Node (270:00)
StartWeek15 - Last Class - Summary (147:39)
StartWeek16- Introduction to API testing (218:02)
StartWeek17 - API testing with Postman (258:15)
StartWeek17 - API test automation (160:05)
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.